Measuring Life: One Day at a Time

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Magical, mysterious and ever graceful.

You ever go through your day on auto-pilot and sit and when you are ready to wind down, do you sit and wonder what you did throughout? Even before you know it, you will be staring into the light at the end of the tunnel when you breathe your last, watching your life flash by. What was the most powerful thing you have ever done within the 12-15 hours of being awake, every single day?

At the end of the day, when I look at myself in the mirror, the questions that I ask myself is, “how much of my potential have I used to make this world a better place? How much of my time have I invested to make the cosmos vibrate higher?” You see, as a race, humankind is meant to vibrate at a natural frequency of love. This emotion above all is the most powerful vibration we can send out and yet, we decide to spend our energy on anger, greed, lust, envy and being petty. If we are to look at life, it would be one day at a time. No one in this world knows what the future holds for them, why then do we function from our lowest?

Would we life live differently, if we broke it down, one day at a time? Let’s have a look:

  1. The choices we make: What’s the first emotion when we wake up? Despair, grief or joy, happiness and laughter? This is perhaps the easiest choice that we can make, yet it makes all the difference in the world. If the first emotion you express is a scowl, guess where the day is headed? Down the gutter. The universe reflects what you send out.
  2. The decisions we take: This is related to the point above. You have decided to wake up with scowl, that decision is yours alone. You will find the people around you being grumpy, short fused and generally quite cranky.
    If we are to turn the scowl into a smile and decide to start our day with grace, you have hit jackpot. People will be nicer, the world seems brighter and you seem to be doing well at work too. See, its that simple.
  3. The path we choose: Do you choose to be a good person, or the path to destruction because you think that life has been unfair to you? Let me tell you something; the cosmos does not give two hoots about how you feel it has been unfair to you. Remember, you what give out is what you get back. The universe is a reflection of you, your thought patterns and the kind of energy you decide to pour out.
  4. Find your purpose: We are all put on this planet and this dimension with a purpose. The truth is, most of us have forgotten what our purpose in life is meant to be. Some of us are born in this plane to spread the message of love, hope and peace. Some are given life so that they motivate people through their art, their words. Some are made to uplift the spirits. My point is, find your purpose and stay true to it. Every single day that you wake up, be determined to make the world a better place.
  5. Your thoughts create your reality: Watch your thoughts and the kind of thoughts that you have. What you think, you manifest. Everyday that you think is a burden, will be a burden. Everyday that you wake and think, ‘today is a going a gorgeous day’ is when you will have a day filled with sunshine. This also includes what you read, watch and listen to. If you watch and read negative things, guess what your thoughts and your reality will be? Crap.

At the end of the day, when the lights dim and your eyelids are heavy, what will you want you day to look like? When Death comes knocking, how would you want your life to played before you? All gloom and doom or would want to see a happy unicorn going about their day, living life and vibrating at the highest emotion of love? The choice is ultimately yours to make.

To end the post, I now pose a question to you:

That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse ...

Measuring Life with Tiramisu

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People are about layers, just like tiramisu.

What a delectable dessert, Tiramisu! The taste as heavenly as it sounds. This post comes around mostly inspired by the famous YouTuber Lilly Singh who in her book of How to be a Bawse talks about people having layers, just like a Tiramisu. I however look at Life as a Tiramisu. Here is how:

  1. Layered- Before you go all Shrek on me, saying life can be compared to an onion, do you really think life smells like an onion? I don’t think so.
    There are so many facets to life that we barely see. Say for instance, you are having a bad day, right from the word ‘Go’, you will continue on with that mindset. What if I told you a shift of perspective is what is required, to see the different layers you day has to offer? You still can turn your bad day around and decide to have a shift in the way you look at it. You see, maybe you missed out on the rainbow in the sky, or you looked past a friend you haven’t seen in ages. Or maybe you just overlooked a fine human being plucking the courage to ask you for your number.
    Just like the tiramisu, you need to dig into your day layer by layer to have a better one. Until you find the dessert hitting the right spots, don’t stop digging.
  2. A bonus- Like any other good dessert, the tiramisu serves as a good bonus. You smashed your targets? Go treat yourself to some of this amazing sweet treat. You got a promotion? The tiramisu it is.
    Just like the dessert, life works as a bonus too. How, you might be wondering? Take a look around and see all the wonderful things that surround you. Take note of all your blessings. You have a smartphone, a laptop, a steady income, food in your fridge and a wonderful set of friends and family who love and cherish you. You are alive and breathing, that itself is a big plus. If that doesn’t count as a bonus, you need to change the way you look at bonuses.
    Never take all these blessings for granted, not everyone is fortunate enough as you and I to have these wonderful opportunities to make our lives better.
  3. Seems simple, yet so complicated- When you look at the tiramisu, you see layers and think, maybe it is easy enough to make. When you do get down to business, it isn’t as simple after all.
    That is how life works. We all know someone and are someone who love to give advice on how to live life. The solution may seem simple for us, however for someone else facing the issue, not so much. It is true, life is as simple or as complicated as you make it, but sometimes the harder you try to simplify life, the worse the problem becomes.
    Next time, you reach out to give advice, remember the tiramisu. Simple, yet so complicated.
  4. Indulgence is okay, once in a while- We all go through times where we like to indulge in our guilty pleasures. The tiramisu works like that. You have a craving, you want to reach out and have whatever is is you are wanting. Then you have a look at your bank account and hold back.
    To pamper yourself once a month is okay. There is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about spending a little more than you do normally. The tiramisu is here to remind you of that fact. Do it for you.

There will come a time when you realize that life is bittersweet. It can make you cry, laugh, tear your hair out. The important thing to remember is that life isn’t happening to you, it is happening for you. Until then, do not forget to peel back the layers life has to offer. Do not be afraid to dig deep to get to the good and let your hair down, once in a while.

Lessons from the demure Virgin

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Be practical, precise, hard working and kind. Thank you, Virgo

The season of Virgo has gone and we now step into the season of balance. Balance like the Libra, but before we dive into balance, here is what the month of September left me with:

September has taught me to hope that one day, when I wake up and realize that the negatives in my head are not worth listening to.

September has left me to understand that there is innocence in the world that is worth protecting and worth fighting for.

September is when I understood that all is well in my life.

September gave me hope when I found out that there are people who love and support me unconditionally, with my flaws and all.

September took my breath away when I found joy in little things that make life happy.

September caught my attention when I learnt that I was much stronger than I thought and wiser than I felt. It gave me a lot to think about, September has been a kind teacher.

September gave me renewed hope when the lesson I learnt had finally been realized that from dust we are born and to dust we shall return.

September let me awaken my spiritual side, I knew existed somewhere deep down, leaving me smiling at all the coincidences and the synchronicity I witnessed.

September deepened my faith, when I knew I was meant to share my guiding light to those in need, the broken souls, the damaged minds and the marred psyche, so tired of living with no goal in mind.

September thrust upon me a mission, to change myself one day a time and in doing so, lend a helping hand to those in need.

September has left me a bit wiser and whole lot stronger, in mind and soul.

For all this and much more, I thank you, September, to let me be me and to have unconditional support from people who accept me as I am, without wanting to change me so that I may be more like them. But out of everything, my most favorite learning through you will always be when you taught me that the universe will always have my back. I just need to re-establish the faith again and trust in the process. Thank you indeed.

What did the season of the roaring lion teach me?

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August went off too quick

This comes out two weeks too late but here it is. To be honest, I just wish this year would not fly by so quick, but what is life without wings, one which does not fly by realizing that there is much to accomplish. But such is life and well, at least we know we are living and breathing. That we have a heartbeat.

Just like the sunny disposition of a Leo, I learnt that life is better when you can learn to find sunshine among bleak clouds, to find the good in the bad and to understand that darkness will be dispelled and somewhere within you, you will find the strength to carry on. Leos are very generous by nature and will not hold you to it, even if you are not able to repay them how you wish to and in having said that I was taught it kindness is a very undervalued trait, one which must be preserved and passed on to every person you meet.

Since our vibrant lions are ruled by the Sun, it goes to show that there is light within us all, one which when embraced can make a huge difference to people we meet. The light we carry shines forth as bright as the sun and gives people hope. Be a beacon of hope. A helping hand and a kind word go a long way.

Leos are royalty as they should be. Their presence speaks volumes when they enter a room. You probably wouldn’t even notice if our lion was quivering under the pressure, that is only because they project that much confidence when they walk in. That being said, it is perhaps better to not be overconfident as it does not sit well with people. My learning? Be the kind of person that makes heads turn when you enter the room. Ensure that your grace, your light shines forth that anyone in your presence does not feel unhappy. Your presence should feel like sunshine to someone who has just been drenched in the rain.

The ever generous Leo also taught me generosity is not in lending money or riches but in giving time, giving a hand and having a patient ear. Generosity is all encompassing, which could save someone’s life, lessen the burden of a soul haunted by the responsibilities one has to shoulder and maybe just a helping hand.

Overall, August has been a good month, in knowing and discovering a lot of traits I didn’t know I possessed to understanding humankind maybe just a little better. If not that, then perhaps just understanding everyone is unique and quirky in their own.

Saving Life: One Amazon Rain Forest at a time

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The Amazon rain forest: What is at stake for us and the planet?

It pains me as I pen down my thoughts for this particular write up, because you see, I have no words that could possibly do justice to a rain forest that covers about 70% of our planet. Now you are probably wondering, ‘what is a burning rain forest to me?’. This is where I would say to you, it may not mean so much to you, but this tropical beauty is home to a wide variety of plant species, supports a massive number of mammals and of course provides to the indigenous people who consider the evergreen beauty their provider and protector. So, what can someone like you and I do, to ensure a sustainable future for generations that are not born yet, a generation that will soon learn that even if they refuse to inherit the world, it is too late because they are already alive and kicking in the world?

Here are a few ways, we can save our luscious beauties, and more importantly, the “lungs of planet earth”:

  1. Sustainable travel: Seems like a no brainer, but not just international travel, try doing it locally in your country or start with your own city for that matter. Try not to be a vandal and litter everywhere. This is something I have been following right from my teens and into adulthood. I do not like to dispose off my trash on the roads, so instead I keep it in a disposable litter bag, which I then go ahead and get rid off when I spot a trash bin. It may not make a lot of difference, especially if I see that I am the only one doing it, does not mean it discourages me. I am sure, slowly but steadily, it will make a difference. Even if it means it will be 10 years down the line. We all have to start somewhere to do our bit to help Gaia.
  2. Waste not, want not: Don’t waste resources. If there is something you won’t need, don’t aim to possess it. It creates an unnecessary strain to our environment. If you are not using water while brushing your teeth, turn off the tap. If you don’t need the shower while scrubbing your body down, do not leave the water running. If you are into gardening and need to use manure, make your own compost pit. All the small actions that you take, will benefit you in the long run. Try supporting companies that send your donations towards the betterment of the forests and the animals. Support locally grown products, companies that follow sustainable practices and actually do something. We have one planet, let us just strive to protect her as best as we can.
  3. Bike/walk/use public transport: Do this wherever possible. I get it, it can be a big pain to go places without your car, but wherever possible, use public transport. Biking and walking short distances also works just fine, plus it is a win-win situation. You get to see places that you would normally miss out if you were in your own transport.
  4. Pay your respect to Mother Earth: She is the only planet that sustains life and let us get real. What gives you the idea that we won’t ravage Mars just as we have with Earth? If we have not been able to look after our blue planet, why would we take care of a red one? Or in fact any other planet in the universe/s that could be capable enough to sustain life? Be kind wherever possible, use as much as needed and let’s not get selfish. We have generations to come after us who will need this planet more than ever. We should do what we can, be kind and leave a home for the future.
  5. Carry your own shopping bags: I know New Zealand for one has banned plastic bags and promoting the usage of reusable bags. Which is brilliant. It creates more awareness and besides, what could be more heart breaking than what you see here.
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You would not want/like consuming plastic, why would these guys? You also would not like your house littered with plastic, why would they? Have compassion for those who can’t fight back with a voice of their own, don’t be cruel to anyone’s home.

We have one planet, one home. Let us do our bit to save and protect, preserve what must be preserved. These are some methods that I like to do, to do my bit. Just because an action is small, does not mean it will not have any impact in the near future. If we are to get somewhere, let us start somewhere, no matter how small or insignificant an action may be, let us join hands and help our planet recover.There are some ways you too can contribute, if you wish to do something for the Amazonian Rain Forest and every bit of green left covering the earth. Click here to find out more as to how you can contribute to do your bit because helping hands are better than praying lips.

Comment below and let me know some of your best sustainable practices and what we can do to create a more stable future.

Measuring Life: One Pie at a Time

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Living life, one slice of pie at a time.

Pie, what a delightful word and even better to eat. The scent of freshly baked pie, the aroma tickling your nose in the right spots! Ah, the sweet scent just wafting through your home, just what you need on a Sunday winter morning.

You look pleased with the result of your experiment. What was it that you decided to bake? Apple Pie? Was it Blueberry perhaps? You hum a melody long forgotten absentmindedly and a short giggle escapes your lips. This is where you remember you wanted to bake an apple pie, but the scent floating through is blueberry. You sigh and plunge a toothpick through the center to see if it comes clean. Lucky for you, it does.

You let the pie cool down while you look towards your kitchen and wonder where to begin cleaning. You decide, one way to do it is to have music on. Sure, you muse, music makes work easier, but does it hit the right spot as good as a pie? No, you decide. Just as you start cleaning, you look at the pie and can’t help but think how similar life and pie are. Of course, life does not come with instructions, on how to live, but a pie does, you think. You start off with something in mind, but halfway through you realise that you forgot to bring the essential ingredient that makes your pie a pie. But something else hits you, you know there is something else that can help bake a pie and carry on. In the process of baking a pie, you now know that you would have to clean up your own mess and then chastise yourself for not being careful, you decide not to create a mess this huge again.

Of course, in life there will be some hits and misses, like pie that does not rise all the time. You make fresh mistakes in the process of baking and learning about life. You could end up burning the crust, you pie could end up being flat, having too much egg. There will be times where you have to throw out the pie and start all over again, just like life. When one idea does not work, you decide you try another plan, but this time you learn from your mistakes and modify your plans. Just like the blueberry pie you baked.

Just as you finish cleaning up, your pie has now cooled down. You bring a fork with you and set out to dig in. Just as you are about to do so, you see another hand reach out waiting for you to begin. You smile and gladly oblige and tuck in. This is when it hits you, life, like pie is sweeter when shared. You reach to the conclusion that you would live life, one pie a day.

Life Lesson for July 2019

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Well Po, you certainly did teach me a lot this month.

July has been an intense month, in terms of emotions and I have been tested, like never before. In June, I wrote about releasing my emotions and freeing myself from what I felt. This month has been more about working through my past and learning to forgive myself and most importantly just learning to be gentle with myself and giving myself more time grieve, but not losing myself to grief or getting hung up on the words spoken said in anger and unable to say anything in return and learning to let go at the caustic words spat out.

So this month, my takeaway was to let go of the past and the people who hurt me, in a way to show that I have boundaries, even if it means not responding to them via a phone call or a text. It also means that every time I have the urge to reach out and apologise, I will not because only I know how toxic and detrimental they have been to my emotional health.

I have also learnt that it okay to embrace my shades of grey seeing as I am neither pure black nor white, but a result of the two being mixed to give grey. Just like the rain clouds that threaten to burst open at the slightest provocation, but also the same clouds who promise the sun’s face once they depart. Slowly but surely, I have learnt to stabilize my sense of being and just accepting where I am in life and fighting when I deem fit, only to expend my energy when I feel safe and to understand that not everyone understands that I need my own space.

This month has taught me to honour all emotions I have felt, freely and purposefully and intensely and be completely alright with it, seeing as I am only human and that I am NOT an ideal version of someone’s best friend, sister or daughter. It has been immensely cathartic and freeing to not live up to the “perfect” version of me and I am okay with it. I need to happy with my imperfections and that is what makes me who I am. July has been a month of growth, on handling rejection and also coming in terms to accept my feelings, just as they are. No justifications required, no explanations necessary and above all else, my peace, mental and emotional returned. Simply because I let go of the past that I will no longer let dictate my future.

What has the month of July taught you? Comment below and let me know.

Measuring Life-One Pizza Slice at a Time

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The Awkward Yeti is dope, just saying.

This is my second blog with a food title in it, by now I figure, what is life without food? Food is one thing that creates connections among people, food is where people bond (only second to alcohol) but PIZZA is one comfort food you can never go wrong with. But you know, not many (like me) think when they order pizza. They just wing it when they customise it or they just go with what is a ready option. But I find that life is really like the food we choose, the choices we make with the kind of food we prefer and if you are someone who likes pineapple on your pizza, you are about to get judged so hard. No jokes, really.

But that is what life is, if you really think of it, in terms of a pizza slice. Seemingly simple, but if you put in enough thought in customizing pizza, can be just as delicious and well, worth living. In saying that, not everything you add as an extra topping for your pizza will always turn out to be the best option or give you the taste you are after, that is how life is. Not every step you take with thought will give you the desired results. Sometimes you need to go the old fashioned boring way of doing things and life seems to approve of that too. Having said that, when you decide to add on extra to your pizza, how much thought do you put in the process, think of all the flavors and topping s that will go with the pizza sauce, what will compliment the base you have chosen, the kind of cheese you would like to be sprinkled or do you just wing it?

If you decide to wing it, how often do those decisions you made, without thought work out best in your favor? If you choose to think about all the choices you make and then take decisive action, do things fall into place just as simply? When I sat to pen this down on paper, with this piece of writing, a lot of realizations came home. Something as simple as ordering a pizza made me ponder as to how similar living life and eating pizza are so alike.

Life is like baking a pizza, deceptively simple, yet ask the ones who knead the dough. They know how difficult and time consuming it can be to get the desired results and the consistency required for a pizza base to come life once put in the oven. The sauces you choose, the toppings you take are yours and unique only to you.

No one really knows how difficult or easy another’s life is. The decisions we make, the choices we have, the weight on our shoulders, no one can really fathom how much we undergo and yet we get questioned for the tough calls, just like people ask, “why did you have to choose pepperoni? It would have been better with salami.” Funny thing is, we get someone else involved in making our pizza too, because we end up sharing it. Just like life. We share our pizza because we want people close to us to know we love them enough to share our beloved comfort food. We share details of our life only because we want someone we are close, to be to in the loop, to let them know we care enough to share.

Why do we then look down on the hard decisions taken, all the unkind comments we make as to how one is supposed to live? If someone likes pizza without the extra toppings, who are we to add anything more? Who are we to give “expert advice” to someone wanting to live a normal, simple existence? Life is much like a slice of pizza. Personal preferences seem to be topping the list and it would probably work better if we kept a tight restraint on wanting to mouth off as to how someone else to be living their life, just like ordering a pizza.

Next time perhaps when you order pizza from your favorite food place, consider how you decide your extras, how you would like your pizza and keep in mind how someone you love would like it too. Perhaps if we lived one pizza slice at a time, the world would be a slightly better place to live, where people are kinder, some if not all actions lovely and just easier to breath knowing you have made life a bit smoother by not judging the kind of life people you love choose to live.

Measuring Life with sips of tea

It’s tea time!

If you had to measure life, how would you do it? Would you measure life with something you love? If you had to measure life with sips of tea, how would you compare tea to the way you live your life?

You see, that’s the thing with life. You can see if as half empty or full, just like a glass of water. But here I am talking about tea and life. Why, you ask? If I had to talk about life as a glass of water, two things will happen: 1) I would have to refill too quickly and 2) I would be running to the washroom time and again. Life would be no fun if I had to run back and forth between the washroom and bedroom, now would it?

Pick a tea, any kind of tea- it could be herbal, green or just regular milk tea. What do you do when tea is ready? Just gulp it down (if you do, hats off to you!) or do you take your time to savor every sip, maybe throw in a cookie or two, just to add a little more taste to your chosen beverage?

What if I told you that you could also measure life with the number of sips you take? Would you then be careful then as to how you live life? For instance, if you chose to have your tea in a small cup, would you take equally small sips in order to breathe in the aroma and relish the taste by swirling the tea in your mouth? Or would you rather have a large mug of tea and chug it all in one go, not understanding the character of how the tea has been brewed? Just like life. If you do not take time to understand how your character has been developed through the sheer pressure that life has imposed on you, do you think you would have appreciated life more?

If the quality of life you lived was determined by the tea sips that you took, would you then slow down and smell the roses, smile at people more often and be a bit more kind? Would you judge less then, love more, if you just took a backseat and consumed life at the rate at which you finish your cup of tea? What if the life you lived reflected in the water you put to boil and the tea leaves brewed told you that you are indeed living a wasted life, a life where you judged too harshly, speak impolitely and leave nothing but discord and chaos in your wake? Would you live a little better, be a bit kinder and maybe use your speech sparingly, to encourage others and not bring them down instead?

Would you look at life differently, now that you know life can be compared to the tea you brew, the beverage you smell and the leaves once roasted? Would you live life a bit differently, be a little open and just love unconditionally? Will the life you choose to live here on out be slightly unaligned to the one you were used to living if you choose to compare it to the kind of tea you drink?

Here is to you and the next time you make a cup of tea, try measuring life while you are at it.

June 2019 Lessons!

Emotional freedom, above all else.

As I sit and try to get the right words to put across this blog, I realize that 2019 is half over. Six months done and dusted and I sit and wonder what this wonderful, albeit cold month of June has taught me.

Over time, I have come around to the fact that there are a lot of issues, especially emotional and mental issues that I have given priority to and overcome them, not by running away but by facing them and acknowledging the fact that I do have a lot of deep seated insecurities that I thought I had dealt with successfully. You can follow my journey on to check out what my walk looks like, dealing with my own mental health and I promise, it is not as scary as it sounds. You probably are sitting there and thinking, ‘wait, why isn’t she breaking it down in bullet points but writing in paragraphs?’. I decided I wanted to do something different for my learning this month and hence why I am here, pouring my soul over in blank spaces.

June by far has been a month of revelations for me, I have had more ‘AHA’! moments this month than I have had in the last five. Most of my findings came through long heart to heart chats with myself and literally just digging deep to see what patterns affect my behavior and how my psyche affects those around me. This month has majorly been about me dealing with my own mental health and putting my emotional well being first and I am glad I did. Nothing in this world has made me happier than putting my well being on my priority list. If anything, I have now understood that facing my demons is far more rewarding than running away from them. They may seem like they have gone away, but they will always be watching and lurking in the shadows, ready to strike when you are most vulnerable and lost. What can one do? Fight head on? Maybe. Confront your fears and show them the light, only then will they dissipate and reveal your true self to you.

The real you. The strong you. The fighter you. The warrior you. The multiple facets that you never thought had existed within, suddenly show their beautiful faces, and you just know that you are not as weak as you thought you were. June has taught me just that. It has made me learn that there is no shame in wanting to take time off for yourself, even if that means cutting out interaction and just having down time. June has made me emotionally freer, mentally happier and has given me the courage to be honest and vulnerable with myself. June has let me talk about the issues that I deal with on social media so that others are inspired to reach out and talk to people.

The biggest and the most important takeaway this month is that only when you consider yourself human, will others treat you the same. When I say consider yourself human, I mean, genuinely take a break, get in touch with yourself and have nice long discussion with yourself. Life will be sunnier, brighter and a little bit easier to live. Purging all your emotions is important as this will accelerate your healing process. The Lord knows I have had my fair share of purges this month and I have stuck through until the end. But you know what, it was all worth it. I know life will always throw a curve ball or two my way, but this month has made me stronger, mentally and emotionally. Granted, it was not so pretty, but sometimes you have to start rough to get a finished product. How will you polish yourself if you don’t even begin somewhere?

Life is tough as it is, let us not make it tougher by neglecting our health altogether. Like I said, this month has been a month for purging my emotions and bringing them to surface level and letting go gracefully. It has been a turbulent month, in terms of feelings and emotions and just wanting to cleanse myself.

Comment below and let me know what has been your biggest lesson thus far for June.