Miracles do exist.

The dictionary defines a miracle as a wonder or a marvel. It also says that it is the effect or event manifesting as a work of God. Have you ever stopped and wondered or ever asked Him to show you a miracle? Miracles take place everyday and everywhere. We just have to learn to see them in everyday things.
What would you count as a miracle? Make a list and see what you are would consider a miracle. Do YOU feature anywhere on that list of yours? If you  don’t, you better hurry and add yourself to the checklist of yours. Surprised? You are the biggest miracle for your parents and for people who love you and adore you.
The very fact that you live to see the next day, to wake up to your alarm clock, to see the sun shine and hear the birds chirp is a miracle. If you don’t think this is a miracle, then I don’t know what is. Your family is the next best miracle that could happen to you. Ask someone who isn’t fortunate enough. For them, a caring family is a miracle.
The very fact that you can afford food, clothing and shelter is a miracle. As a person who can’t afford any of these. For them getting a rupee in their bowls is an act of God.
For a mother who has endured long hours of labour her newborn child is a miracle. Ask a mother who has given birth to a still born. Ask her what she would do to experience the joys of motherhood.
Ask people who have had close calls with death. Living and breathing after such a close call is a miracle, not only for them but also for people who are a part of their lives. Just seeing them live and laugh is a blessing in disguise. Ask people who’ve lost their closest of friends and family members and they will tell you what a wonder it was having them around.
There are people who’ve struggled with cancer and beaten the odds just to prove their doctors wrong. Their defeating the disease and living to tell the tale is again a miracle. An act of God.
For people battling the life threatening disease of AIDS, seeing the sunrise and the sunset, listening to their favourite music, doing things they love. Everyday that passes without them giving up on life and moving on is the biggest miracle of all times.
So don’t you ever think that miracles don’t exist. They happen. They happen all the time. We’re just so caught up with our smartphones and tabs that we fail to open our eyes and more importantly our hearts to witness such beautiful happenings around us.
In closing I would like to say that even after reading this you don’t believe in miracles then you my friend should take a minute and hold a mirror to your face and stare hard and stare good. You will see the miracle smile back at you.

Nivedita Kaipa

6 thoughts on “Miracles do exist.

  1. syedyasin says:

    Sister Nivedita, Yes miracle do happen I found you as friend is an miracle… Seriously a beautiful which I would love to forward to my loved once claiming it’s written by my sister nivi … It’s just amazing…. May Allah bless with hidayah


    • Edwin Thomas says:

      I never believed in miracles.. I thought it was just a word used to calm people down when they are hopeless.. but after reading this.. I think I should start believing in them.. Nivi.. continue writing.. I’ll need it..

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Shriyash says:

    these lines are so true Niv. Miracles do happen and sometimes those happen of which we haven’t even thought of. Superb lines.


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