“I love you”

When I was a kid I was a complete brat. I mean, I would start throwing tantrums at the drop of a hat saying, “nobody loves me”. But as I grew up I understood that the three words that everyone needs to hear doesn’t necessarily come out as an, ” I love you”. This beautiful three worded phrase can also be heard in sentences like:
Wear your seat belt.
Did you eat your food?
I made the bed for you.
Don’t be out too late.
I could write more about it, I could explain it a little more but I think all of us are mature enough to realise it and those of us aren’t mature enough to understand it, give yourself time to comprehend it. This phrase comes into our lives everyday, all we have to do is listen.
We also have to remember that we as people aren’t the only ones to express this phrase. We often forget that animals too express their sentiments. To all people with pets to add to their family know the joy of our four footed friends coming to greet us after a hard day’s work. That too is unprecedented love. The joy they have when they see us, when they charge furiously at the door just so they can greet us is the purest form of love.
We notice these everyday but it still goes unnoticed. If only we did we would probably start loving ourselves too.

Nivedita Kaipa

3 thoughts on ““I love you”

  1. Pradeep Easo Samuel says:

    Hello Kaipa! This write-up cleared up some ancient demons that had been lingering in my head for far too long. Had to say thank you atleast.

    Been enjoying your writing. Keep up the good work and God bless ya dear.

    Your ol’ friend,


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