My random thoughts.

I’ve been reflecting quite a bit these days and I’ve had a different perspective altogether. The one thought that struck my fancy was how different people are from one another. We as living breathing humans may seem the same externally but deep down each one of us have our own demons to fight and each one of us have a different ‘boss’ to deal with. This is where I got thinking. All of us are so different in our own ways but yet we’re so intolerant towards each other. Why do we keep expecting people to be the same as us? Why can’t we peacefully accept the fact that we’re all different in our own ways? Why do look down on persons whose interests and leisure time activities do not match ours?
Is it so difficult to accept the fact that we as people have different layers to each one of us? That to truly discover the person beneath we have to peel the layers off like you would do an onion? I think it’s bad enough that we pick on people who are of different religions but picking on people only cause they’re different from you is a terrible thing to do because you’re forcing the person to change the very essential quality that makes him truly unique and the one factor for which he stands apart from the rest of the world. Why ask someone to change what they enjoy doing when it doesn’t affect you in any way at all?
What I don’t comprehend is why people discourage one another from taking up a new hobby or even exploring a totally new liking or interest when they might not even have a remotely fair idea as to what the interest is.
Why can’t we just learn to live and let live? What’s the need of looking down on people who are different from us? I think it’s completely okay for people to let us enjoy what we cherish the most and it’s even better once we stop paying heed to those nay sayers.
Do what you love and never let people tell you otherwise.

A Human Resources professional, a writer in my spare time with an innate curiosity to understand the world and an insatiable desire to explore the world.

A random rant.

So, this blog is more of a rant based on a recent incident. You’ll have to bear with me.
The incident made me realise certain things about human nature.  I’ve come to see that the more you keep quiet on certain issues and the more you start compromising on certain aspects, people will take you for granted. They will see you as a pushover and ensure things go their way. The same people whom you try to correct and reason out with will lash out faster than lightning because they get defensive and get annoyed with the fact that you’ve tried to correct them. They will scream at you even though there is no fault of yours. Such kind of people is to be pitied. The only reason being that these kinds will never be able to see fault within themselves. They will continue to see and scrutinise every fault of yours because according to them they are the paragon of virtue. This is why such characters are to be pitied. Growth happens from within the day you start recognising the vices that hide inside of you. Growth happens when you recognise the monsters that darken your thoughts. The day you are determined to pick up your sword and are hell-bent on slaying them, that is when you grow as a person. People who do not acknowledge their shortcomings are stunted emotionally. This is also why such persons are to be pitied and not reacted to.
The other thing I understood is there is no point trying to talk to them or getting your point across. They will only argue and raise their voice to sound more intimidating. They are not to be feared. Such kind is meant to be walked away from. Never to be looked back at again.
All in all, it is better for your sanity and you if you are the sensitive kind of folk ( like I am), it’s better to steer clear of such people in case they hurt you, which they will do eventually. It’s honestly foolish of us to expect an apology from such folk. The best we can do is walk away and never look back.


What’s your passion?

We’ve all come across the term ‘passion’. But not many of us know what the word really means.
This word is not just used for an intense sexual attraction but it can also be used to describe the enthusiasm you have towards anything in life. You can use this passion if you wish to move forward in life. If you really enjoy doing what you do you can combine your passion and success together.
There are quite a few of us who confuse our passions with our hobbies. I used to be one of them. But now I realised that both are poles apart. A hobby is what you enjoy doing in your spare time. Your hobby could be reading, gardening, baking or even cooking. However your passion is what defines you. When you’re passionate about  something, it consumes your very being. You are obsessed with it. You read about it so much, you immerse yourself into so much research that you can’t think about anything else.
For instance, I write because I like doing it. It is a hobby for me. I read because I enjoy reading. Reading is an escape for me from the real world.
However, the things that I am truly truly passionate about are:
Wildlife conservation
Studying human behaviour
Reading body language and studying micro expressions
Learning. I LOVE learning anything and everything about the world.
Traveling. Honestly, if someone told me to just take off because the whole trip is sponsored, I would have just taken off without thinking twice.
I could go on and on with this list. The only reason I know what makes me tick is because I spend some time off to figure out what gets me going at the end of the day. It’s that simple for those still trying to figure what they’re so enthusiastic about. Spend some alone time and you will get your answers.
Another way of going about it is reliving your childhood! Remember the times when people asked you what you wanted to be and without thinking twice you would have an answer ready. You just knew what you wanted to be. I wonder what happened once we grew up. When did we give up on those dreams? Is it because of society that we’ve given up on what we loved with our heart and soul? Is it because we feel shy to own up to our passions? Is it because of the fact that society lets only doctors and engineers thrive? When will we learn that the society has no say in the way we earn our bread and butter as long as it is from a honest day’s work? It’s time to unshackle the bolts and set ourselves free from all this trivia and go chase our passions with all our might because at the end of the day it is worth it. You do what you gotta do to make yourself happy.
So let go of your inhibition and chase what excites you and hold onto it. I will tell you this, not many are lucky to discover their passions. Once you have, do not let it go.
So then, what’s your passion?

A Human Resources professional, a writer in my spare time with an innate curiosity to understand the world and an insatiable desire to explore the world.

Sorry, I am NOT sorry.

I was recalling a conversation with a dear friend of mine and we made plans of meeting up. I went without any makeup and just wore something out of my wardrobe. When I reached, she was already there and I said, “sorry I look like such a mess”. I didn’t think much of the incident until I got home and I realised that I didn’t have to be apologetic for the way I looked or the kind of clothes that I wear. I don’t think it’s just me but I think some of us have gone and apologised for the way we look. It just shows that we think that looks are what define and sadly society does judge us on the way we look and the sort of clothes we wear. This doesn’t end here. We apologise for the simplest of things like:
1) Sorry for the late reply. Why should we be sorry when we don’t wish to speak to anyone or when all we want is some time off on our own?
2) Sorry. It’s just one of the things I love doing. Why should we apologise for the hobbies we have or the spare time activities that we enjoy doing? You do not need to justify your hobbies or passions to anyone.
3) For the kind of person that you are. Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert, none of us to have a reason to justify the way we are. We need not make statements like, ” sorry, it’s just who I am. I take time to open up to people” or, ” sorry, I know I am talking too much”. No one here needs to justify their personality with a sorry.
4) The opinions that we have. I feel that quite a few of us apologise for the views and opinions that we share. However, it must be remembered that if your views are racist, you trash talk peoples’ religion, their culture, gender and caste, you SHOULD be sorry. We are all entitled to our opinions but we shouldn’t demean any person as a human being.
This list is endless. I could go on and explain more but what I am getting at is we should stop saying sorry for the smallest of things. The more you apologise, the lesser your sorries matter.
Make your apologies count when you’ve truly made a mistake or you’ve hurt someone or when you get into a fight and both parties have to make up.  Keeping all of this in mind I hope that one day we stop feeling apologetic for making those choices that define us.