My random thoughts.

I’ve been reflecting quite a bit these days and I’ve had a different perspective altogether. The one thought that struck my fancy was how different people are from one another. We as living breathing humans may seem the same externally but deep down each one of us have our own demons to fight and each one of us have a different ‘boss’ to deal with. This is where I got thinking. All of us are so different in our own ways but yet we’re so intolerant towards each other. Why do we keep expecting people to be the same as us? Why can’t we peacefully accept the fact that we’re all different in our own ways? Why do look down on persons whose interests and leisure time activities do not match ours?
Is it so difficult to accept the fact that we as people have different layers to each one of us? That to truly discover the person beneath we have to peel the layers off like you would do an onion? I think it’s bad enough that we pick on people who are of different religions but picking on people only cause they’re different from you is a terrible thing to do because you’re forcing the person to change the very essential quality that makes him truly unique and the one factor for which he stands apart from the rest of the world. Why ask someone to change what they enjoy doing when it doesn’t affect you in any way at all?
What I don’t comprehend is why people discourage one another from taking up a new hobby or even exploring a totally new liking or interest when they might not even have a remotely fair idea as to what the interest is.
Why can’t we just learn to live and let live? What’s the need of looking down on people who are different from us? I think it’s completely okay for people to let us enjoy what we cherish the most and it’s even better once we stop paying heed to those nay sayers.
Do what you love and never let people tell you otherwise.

A Human Resources professional, a writer in my spare time with an innate curiosity to understand the world and an insatiable desire to explore the world.

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