A Valentine for tomorrow? Or maybe not!

So, it’s Valentine’s day tomorrow and there are posts saying how much people miss having someone on this very particular day. It is kind of ridiculous to want someone on this very day because you have existed without the special someone for so long, why not just manage for one more day or as I see it, the whole week of having a Hug day or a Chocolate day or all those days that preceded Valentine’s day. This is just another week or another day for you “lonely” folks out there.
You don’t validation from anyone and least of all on this day because you’re pretty darn awesome the way you are. You should be wanting someone when you’re ready and not lonely. Always remember you don’t need a girl or a guy to make you feel exquisite. What are you there for? You are your own best friend. You know more than anyone else what you want and what you need. Even if you don’t have someone, there are people who love you and care about you. Your family is will always have your back. There is so much good you can focus on, I don’t see why people insist on seeing what doesn’t exist for them or what they don’t hold possession of.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to this day. The only thing that I don’t like is the way people think for the entire week. So what if you don’t have someone to gift you chocolates on the so-called Chocolate day, you can gift yourself an entire box or a basket of different varieties of Chocolate.

If you don’t have someone to hug you, give yourself a hug.
You want roses, gift yourself a bunch.
You really don’t need a Valentine to make yourself feel special because ultimately you are responsible for your own happiness. If you give away the key to happiness to someone else, you are in big trouble, my friend. The key to happiness lies entirely with you.
What better way to be happy and spread the cheer?


Random thoughts. Part 3.

I was going through a fashion magazine and I saw a lot of pretty faces and I thought to myself, “These women are beautiful!”. But after going through some more pictures and turning a few more pages I realised that we’ve been so driven by superficial beauty that we fail to notice the value of a person from the heart. To us, what we see is the end of the world. We don’t take efforts to know someone inside out. We’re just so focused on what is shown to us that we forget to dig deeper and explore someone through their beautiful minds.
It is not just a selected few who do it. I am equally guilty of judging people based on their looks but when I talk to the good looking people out there, I am so repulsed by their persona that it makes me wonder whether our creator forgot to give them a heart or maybe they’ve just lost it along the way.
Why are we so enamoured by looks that we forget to see how a person truly is? But I think it’s an added bonus if a person is both good looking and has a clean heart.
So, for me true beauty starts with purity of the soul with a golden heart and a mind that means no harm. If the person is naturally good by nature they’ll have a glow on their face and there are times you’ll feel as though they have a halo on their heads but don’t realise it themselves. Such people are to be treasured. Such people are meant to be approached because when you talk to them you feel so happy and at peace with yourself that it’s worth a 100 lifetimes talking to them.
A beautiful person also knows how to behave in a beautiful manner. If someone you know is good to you but not nice to the person serving his tea or coffee or a person who picks his garbage is not a good human being though the person could be the most good looking in the entire room. Their one act of a misdeed could break all the perception people have about them.
Beauty also lies in action. If one says one thing to you and does another to nullify their words, it means absolutely nothing. Words should be backed by action. However, it is important to keep in mind that cruel words should not be supported by cruel actions. Words hurt no doubt but when they are demonstrated through act, it takes a lifetime to forget how it was executed. This example might be an extreme case but if you look at Hitler and his misdeeds, his words no doubt are embedded in the minds of people who survived the holocaust but what makes the memories worse are the actions he took to back those speeches he put across to people.
We have to ensure that we don’t hurt people through our speech or act because it could create a lifetime of a scar, especially for sensitive souls. Therefore I believe that the world could thrive much more with soft personalities, people who know how to act and live accordingly. A beautiful soul is also one who extends his/ her helping hand to not just people but also to animals and is kind enough to share or even smile is more than sufficient to make this world a better place.
All in all, if we spread the laughter, love and cheers the world will start making sense once more.

A Human Resources professional, a writer in my spare time with an innate curiosity to understand the world and an insatiable desire to explore the world.