Random thoughts part 3

Hey you all. It’s been long since I’ve blogged and i know you guys have missed my posts ( even if you haven’t, you still say you did!). Here I am writing because this is what I do best to connect with you wonderful people out there and this is the best way possible to express what I feel.
So, here’s the thing. I’ve been going through a wee bit problem and I thought that this is the best time to write about how I deal with situations like these but honestly this time I am not doing it too well. So I said to myself maybe writing is what will help to get me back on track.
This is what I do:
1) Talk to people you’re close to: I cannot put enough emphasis on this. We all need people we can go talk to without being judged. We need people who will simply listen to us rant and help clear our minds.
2) Stay away from negativity: Be it people, Facebook posts or even your own negative thoughts. Keep them away. Do what you have to keep them at bay. Use a stick, block posts and most importantly keep focus on how far you’ve come and don’t waste time on what ifs and buts.
3) Read, read and read: Reading is a great way of exploring and keeping your mind occupied. It helps you grow and understand certain things better. Your own feelings, thoughts and actions are so much better understood by you because the protagonist does the same (albeit in a cooler way). It helps you grow mentally and emotionally.
4) Pray: I believe in a higher power and so I pray. It helps me feel like I can do things with much better clarity and focus.
5) Sleep well: Enough said. Get a good night’s rest.
6) Write: You don’t need to be J.K. Rowling to write when this is only for you. Your thoughts that no one has to read, your thoughts that no one has to comprehend. Your thoughts are yours alone.
7) Play video games: Not joking. My personal favourite on the list. Like reading, this keeps you occupied and entertained. A big bonus
8) Learn: Learn to analyse your own feelings and learn how to deal with them. Learn why you feel the way you feel and learn to tackle them.

These methods may or may not apply to you but you can try a few to see how they affect you in the long run.
Let me know what your tried and tested methods are in the comments below.

A Human Resources professional, a writer in my spare time with an innate curiosity to understand the world and an insatiable desire to explore the world.