“Life” as we know it

I am pretty sure we are all well versed with that awkward moment between birth and death called life. Now, I call life awkward because we face awkward situations every now and then in our day to day scenarios. To be honest, I think the awkward ones outweigh the not so awkward  ones. Let’s not forget about the people who constantly keep reminding us about our not so awesome situations. Now, other than people who constantly keep talking about our awkward moments, let’s take a moment to thank our beloved brain. It’s like our brain never lets us rest, even when we try to. You know why? It’s because the brain enjoys replaying the same awkward situations over and  over and then we don’t rest because we get too embarrassed about every situation we’ve been through.
But let me tell you something. Each and everyone of us have our own styles for dealing with “life”. Some prefer being Mario, some Luigi and others Dave. If you don’t understand these video game references, you’re too young to be reading this post.
  Coming to video games, unfortunately we don’t have spare lives and we most definitely can’t restart our game if we run out of hearts. We have to learn through our mistakes in this one heart that we’ve been given. I think that if we do this well enough, it’s half our battles won. But for the most part of it, we don’t get it right because of certain reasons:

1) Holding onto toxic people : We’ve all been through this phase. There is that one person in your life whom you think you can’t live without, when in reality, that person is the very source of you being unhappy and you don’t realise it until the very end. The end sadly happens when they let you go and then it starts hitting you that the person wasn’t right for you. Let these people walk out of the door.

2) Not doing what you keeps you happy : I know everyone works to earn good money and have a lavish lifestyle but at what cost? At the cost of your happiness? At the cost of your passion? There is no point doing something you don’t enjoy because you’re only killing your peace of mind. Find something that you genuinely enjoy and you will see that your bank balance also taking care of itself. Find something that gets you out of your bed and something that gets you up and about. A job that won’t let you have Monday morning blues.

3) Not smiling enough : People, please smile. It solves more than half your problems.
Feeling low? Fake a smile. It works wonders on your emotional and physical health.

4) Not hugging enough: Why don’t we all hug more? Personally, I enjoy hugs way too much. It’s such a warm and cuddly feeling that you instantly start feeling better. You start feeling happier and so much relaxed. Why can’t we all just hug more?!

5) Not being grateful : Now, we should all take some time out to list down the goods that we have and not look at the ugly. Let’s take a moment to thank and appreciate all the good that we have in life just to see how lucky we’ve been.

The only thing that I have to say is that life too short to be fuming and fretting over things beyond our control. Life will start seeming not so awkward once more.

A Human Resources professional, a writer in my spare time with an innate curiosity to understand the world and an insatiable desire to explore the world.