My random thoughts

This is being penned down after a lot of thought and this is only because of the talk I had with one of my dearest friend. The whole conversation was about how we have evolved as people. Starting from 18 year old girls to now 24 year old women, the transformation has been nothing short of being amazing. However, this change was not without fear. We were quite scared of who we were becoming, but then again, we fear what we do not know and this case, we happened to be our own enemy.

This post is for others to read and feel better about any transformation they are undergoing and know that you are not alone. This phase usually lasts as long as you want it to, but it all depends on the acceptance that comes from you as a person. There are signs of identifying the changes that you are going through.

  1. You like doing everything yourself. This phase usually begins, “relax, I got this”. You prefer not relying on other people for your work because you know the only person you need to depend on is YOU.
  2. You are able to self monitor. You know exactly how you feel and why you feel the way you feel. You also acknowledge that you have issues with trusting people, you know your own temperament and what your fears are. This is when you start giving your best in looking for the missing jigsaw piece.
  3. You tend to cut off unnecessary people and it hurts you. You have lost some of the people closest to you, but with time you realize that cutting them off serves you better emotionally and mentally.
  4. You tend not to trust people because you have a low tolerance of everyone’s daily dose of drama. You’ve been hurt, betrayed by people you always considered close to you. This is why you tend to have less friends but loyal ones because you learnt to trust again.
  5. You always feel the need to “do more” in life. You also know that you wouldn’t want it any other way. There is always a “to-do” list for you every time you cross off an achievement.
  6. You acknowledge the sadness, but do not let it linger. The best part about growing up is that you know life is not always a bed of roses and that life has given you lemons. You also know that you have always managed to turn it into lemonade.
  7. You find yourself running out of time. ALWAYS. You know you have the drive to succeed and that is what keeps you going.

Know that the changes you are going through will make you, YOU. It all depends on how well you take the stages of becoming a butterfly from a caterpillar. Enjoy the journey and remember that you are so equipped and blessed to do whatever you want to in life. This phase does not need to last long. It all begins with a simple word: Acceptance.

So, cheers to you and your transformation!

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