The Silent Enemy

This post comes after a lot of thought and I write this not because I want you to empathise with me or ask me how I am doing. No. This is none of that. I write to reach out to you, my readers to let you know that whatever it is that you are feeling right now, is valid, that you matter to people around you. I write in the hope to communicate that none of us is truly alone in the battles we fight, not with each other but within ourselves. I write to show you that it is okay to be vulnerable and ask for help when you know there is that feeling that you just can’t shake. I write this to let you know that I too am human and I too feel the same emotions that you all feel. So, by now you would have figured that this post is not only helping you, but also helping me express better what I cannot explain when I talk to people. This comes to you because I am going through a bit of a problem and that I am doing everything I can to keep going. These are a few of my favourites that I like when I feel blue:

  1. Talk to people: This helps. It really does. Reach out to the people closest to you and talk to them. Tell them what’s bothering you. This could be anyone. Your best friend, your parents, your immediate relatives and or anyone whom you think you can reach out to. In case you are someone like me who doesn’t know how to express it to the closest around you, feel free to write it down. It doesn’t matter if you do not know how to write, take a piece of paper and brain dump all of what you are feeling. It works wonders.
  2. Cry it out: Crying is a human emotion, it is how we express our pain, our grief and even our anger. Just cry it out. If talking to people does not work, just let the emotions flow and cry it out. For all you men out there, please do not consider crying as weak, it is a human emotion and it is okay to express how you feel through tears.
  3. Do your favourite activities: Do not for even once think of giving up the things you love the most. You could be good at painting, you enjoy singing, maybe you’re a really good dancer. Just do what makes you happy. I promise you, your day will get better.
  4. Have downtime: I feel like a lot of us, including me, tend to forget that spending time with yourself is just as important as spending time with other people. We have become so reliant on others to keep us happy, that sometimes we forget the fact that happiness starts within us. We create our own happiness.
  5. Find inner peace: This one is just so crucial to know that if you cannot find peace within yourself, you’ll never find peace outside. I took a long time to truly understand what this statement meant. I have now, though there are times where I do feel my inner peace being disturbed, I find a way to come back to it by knowing and understanding my emotions and my triggers.
  6. Surround yourself with positivity: This is the easiest to do. Be around positive people, make your environment positive, do what makes you happy and do what keeps you happy.
  7. Be your own best friend: We surround ourselves with so much these days. People, gadgets, Wi-Fi and just more people, that we forget to connect with the one person who knows us the best, US. Do yourself a favour and make time for yourself. This will also help you understand yourself better as a person and it will keep you in tune with your emotions. Do not forget to be your own best friend.

As this post comes to an end, I will leave you all with an encouraging note stating that no matter what, please know that we all have people to reach out to, people we are comfortable talking with. If for some reason, you feel like you have no one, do not hesitate to contact me and let me know what’s troubling your beautiful mind. You matter. If anyone tells you otherwise, know that you are so much more of a reflection of what they see you as.