Have a Day

Here you are, sitting on your couch after a tiring day. Nothing has gone your way. Your boss has yelled at you, your friends have cancelled out on you, the significant other went out of town and their phone is not reachable and now your pet is not responding to you. Nothing in this day feels right and you just want to go bed without any more glitches added to your day. Unfortunately, your gas has run out too and it’s too late to call in for a replacement or to even go fill it.

I get it. Another word of ‘have a nice day’ and you will cave. This one is for you people out there just struggling to get things right, just to get by without any hassles. This one is for you. I am not here to say to have a great day. This is telling you that you just have a day. Recover, heal and relax. Feed yourself. Pamper yourself. Go to a spa and get a  massage done, to the parlour get a nice haircut. Stay in, wear comfortable clothes. Just have a day to yourself.

Tomorrow will get better and you will do much better. Until then, just do not give up. Life is a privilege, treat it that way. Whatever it is that you do, do not give up on yourself. You’ve believed in Santa Claus until you were 8, you can believe in yourself and carpe diem, my friend. But until then, have a day.