Emotions and People

People are indeed strange. No matter how hard we try to move on, there is always something that brings us back to the very situation we try to run from. Is there a learning from it? There always is a learning from everything that we undergo as humans. Such is life for us human beings. There are always lessons to be learnt with every phase of life that we’re in.

Emotions are weird too. As long we keep them suppressed, it’s all okay. But there is always a trigger with such feelings. The feelings we try to keep a lid on will end up coming undone in the most comical ways (not always). The very same emotions that we braid tend to come apart, no longer looking like a school girl’s pigtails, rather like a mature woman who slept in late on fine Saturday morning. Messy, unkempt and needing attention.

This is why I state, people are strange. Emotions are weird. Both if not looked after, tend to fall apart, sooner or later. Emotions like humans are fragile. They need to be handled with care. One wrong move, a miscalculated step, it all comes crashing down. Emotions like pride, ego, greed, rage, jealousy and so much more are like a glass that crack under pressure, for some a balloon that deflates easily. These need to be nurtured, not to be mistaken with mollycoddling, but just taken care of. Everyone harbours such feelings, sometimes so intense that they tend to lose their sense of identity to it. This should be avoided. It’s healthy to have such tendencies in the right measures, not to be overcooked.

People are strange indeed. They surround their lives with these negatives. It’s alright to have pride, it comes from a sense of accomplishment, it’s okay to have an ego, it is a byproduct of doing well for yourself, rage comes as a result of being misunderstood and mistreated, jealousy comes with a sense of competitiveness, it is all acceptable in healthy doses. It shouldn’t go overboard, it tends to impact our lives negatively, we lose relationships in seconds only because we weren’t able to tame such monsters.

Pride when unchecked manifests into arrogance, ego when left unsupervised turns into tyranny, rage when left unleashed can turn fatal and jealousy if given a free reign can scream bloody murder. People come in such forms if left unchecked, a lot of them fester and rot. Of course, not everyone is like these raw emotions. However, even the kindest and most amazing people can harbour maggots in the form of their demons. Therefore, always nurture people. Always be kind, spread joy and cheer wherever you choose to be. Whatever you choose to do, choose kindness first, wherever you have to be, spread love there, whom so ever you want to connect with, be a rainbow to their cloud, the yin to their yang. Do not let people feed their dark sides, instead choose be their silver lining, be the reason for someone’s happiness, a reason for them to smile. Do not underestimate the magnitude of a small act of kindness.

You can be all this and so much more, why be a reason for someone’s hate and anger? Why be the source for someone’s isolation, when you can be the hand that comforts them, a hand that when offered, cannot be refused. Have kindness in your eyes, support in your arms, character in your spine, compassion in your heart and brights in your brain.

You may be wondering, what will I get out of it? Will it pay my bills? Will it satisfy my hunger? Will it change the economy? To you, I ask, why do you stand and stare at the stars at night? Does looking up at them fix the economy? Does staring long enough pay all your bills? Does seeing them up close fill your stomach? If you are smart enough, you’d probably realise by now that the answer to all these questions is NO. Just as simple as the questions asked.

Yet the stars fascinate you. Why hesitate in being kind when you can dream of the stars all night? Why not start somewhere close to planet earth, the very life you are living, instead of sitting star-struck by something so far off in the galaxy?

Therefore, when you first wake up in the morning, choose to be a kind human being, it costs nothing. You might be the very reason someone decides against taking that plunge from the bridge, you might be the reason a father gets to see his daughter, a mother her son, a lover his wife, a friend their confidant. In fact, you should be the reason someone smiles, be the reason that someone walks up to you and says “because of you I did not give up”.