March 2019 Takeaways

One quarter of the year done, who could have known the first three months of 2019 would just go by? I have to be honest, ever since I started blogging about my lessons that the first two months of 2019, it has made me more self-aware and a little more open to learning and expanding my own comfort zone.

The first month left me complaning about certain issues, however, I soon realised that there is a silver lining to everything. The month of February taught me that there is a reason for everything that happens and no matter what, things somehow turn out okay, even if they are not the way you want them to be.

So, the month of March has given a few lessons in the following ways:

  1. To be brave: Now, life will show you all sorts of emotions, being brave will be one of them. I had my own version of facing my fear and I did it by bungy jumping. Now, before you go, “the hell were you thinking?”, it made me realise that fear is all in the mind. The sooner you learn to embrace it, the easier life gets. All limits are within the mind and in case of being afraid, it does well to be scared, but you can do one better. Face it and be brave.
  2. Indulge yourself: I had the pleasure of pamper myself for three days, starting my birthday and not onnce did I feel guilty about taking time off of work and just craving some time for myself. Work will always get done, but we do, every now and then need to create a vacuum where we do absolutely nothing, except eating our favorite foods, having a sip of our favorite cocktail and just freeing ourselves of schedule and routine. So go on, have fun. Indulge yourself. Take that vacation, buy that perfume you have been eyeing for six months, eat at the fancy restaurant where you would not dare step on an otherwise normal day.
  3. Learn when to stop: You know the phase where we get so busy with work that we leave no time for ourselves and before we know it, we are headed for a burnout. Sometime you have to quit that job, even if it is a source of extra income for you. But, all said and done, no source of more money is worth the peace of your mind and your emotional well being if the work place is toxic, if your colleagues are bullies and if all the work you do is supposed to be done by more people and not just you. Money will find a way to you, the minute you stop stressing about it. I learnt it the hard way, no matter what I did or how many jobs I busted myself for, I always found myself complaining about the finances. Did the situation get better? It only got worse before I realised that I had to put an end and guess what? I chose to resign from one work place, the one that did not adhere to my ethics and principles.
  4. You and only you are responsible for your happiness: I cannot place enough emphasis on this, you cannot go blaming other people for being the source of your misery. You alone are responsible for being happy. Period. Do not except people and anyone else around you to keep you happy. People, we, us, are just external circumstances to being happy but in the end, we create happiness for ourselves. No one else is responsible and the sooner we learn it, the better. Blaming someone else for our problems, if every time we had a dollar someone accused us, we’d all be rich by now, but we aren’t are we? In case we do have someone starting a storm (you know what I’d write here), well, just ask them, “what can I do to make it better?”.
  5. Hard work pays off, always: Ever since relocating, I always felt as though my working hard was not being rewarded and boy, was I wrong. Hard work always gets rewarded, even if it’s in ways you don’t expect it to be. Never doubt that the work you put in today will go unnoticed for tomorrow. The universe always have a big plan, especially when you choose not to give up.

There you have it, my takeaways for the third month and boy, did this month make me feel all sorts of feels. Ranging from “I don’t wanna learn anything new” to “well, glad that was over.”

What are some of your takeaways for the month of March? There’s learnings from everywhere and everyone.

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