June 2019 Lessons!

Emotional freedom, above all else.

As I sit and try to get the right words to put across this blog, I realize that 2019 is half over. Six months done and dusted and I sit and wonder what this wonderful, albeit cold month of June has taught me.

Over time, I have come around to the fact that there are a lot of issues, especially emotional and mental issues that I have given priority to and overcome them, not by running away but by facing them and acknowledging the fact that I do have a lot of deep seated insecurities that I thought I had dealt with successfully. You can follow my journey on https://www.instagram.com/moonlit__blossoms/ to check out what my walk looks like, dealing with my own mental health and I promise, it is not as scary as it sounds. You probably are sitting there and thinking, ‘wait, why isn’t she breaking it down in bullet points but writing in paragraphs?’. I decided I wanted to do something different for my learning this month and hence why I am here, pouring my soul over in blank spaces.

June by far has been a month of revelations for me, I have had more ‘AHA’! moments this month than I have had in the last five. Most of my findings came through long heart to heart chats with myself and literally just digging deep to see what patterns affect my behavior and how my psyche affects those around me. This month has majorly been about me dealing with my own mental health and putting my emotional well being first and I am glad I did. Nothing in this world has made me happier than putting my well being on my priority list. If anything, I have now understood that facing my demons is far more rewarding than running away from them. They may seem like they have gone away, but they will always be watching and lurking in the shadows, ready to strike when you are most vulnerable and lost. What can one do? Fight head on? Maybe. Confront your fears and show them the light, only then will they dissipate and reveal your true self to you.

The real you. The strong you. The fighter you. The warrior you. The multiple facets that you never thought had existed within, suddenly show their beautiful faces, and you just know that you are not as weak as you thought you were. June has taught me just that. It has made me learn that there is no shame in wanting to take time off for yourself, even if that means cutting out interaction and just having down time. June has made me emotionally freer, mentally happier and has given me the courage to be honest and vulnerable with myself. June has let me talk about the issues that I deal with on social media so that others are inspired to reach out and talk to people.

The biggest and the most important takeaway this month is that only when you consider yourself human, will others treat you the same. When I say consider yourself human, I mean, genuinely take a break, get in touch with yourself and have nice long discussion with yourself. Life will be sunnier, brighter and a little bit easier to live. Purging all your emotions is important as this will accelerate your healing process. The Lord knows I have had my fair share of purges this month and I have stuck through until the end. But you know what, it was all worth it. I know life will always throw a curve ball or two my way, but this month has made me stronger, mentally and emotionally. Granted, it was not so pretty, but sometimes you have to start rough to get a finished product. How will you polish yourself if you don’t even begin somewhere?

Life is tough as it is, let us not make it tougher by neglecting our health altogether. Like I said, this month has been a month for purging my emotions and bringing them to surface level and letting go gracefully. It has been a turbulent month, in terms of feelings and emotions and just wanting to cleanse myself.

Comment below and let me know what has been your biggest lesson thus far for June.

One Love.

Image result for one love
Admit it, the world needs more of it!

This piece of writing comes from a video I saw this morning on YouTube. It was beautifully crafted and the message was sent with grace. You can watch it here and also donate to a worthy cause as well. I write this blog, keeping two things in mind:

  1. To promote love, one love. For everyone, it does not really matter who you are, where you come from and what you do, as long as you choose love, instead of violence, intolerance and hate.
  2. To ensure that mental health of individuals gets looked after. Any individual, irrespective of who they choose to love, who they choose to be with and how they choose to express their love.

The world could do with more love and less hate, considering the current situation we are in. IF we do wish to avoid World War III, we need to make peace with the fact that each and everyone of us alive, breathing and kicking have free will. Free will to be in love with whoever we choose to be in love with, free will not dictated by fear, but one which comes from the place of acceptance, one that acts as a safety net, not one driven by fear, by hate and intolerance. We live in times where choosing someone to love and express who we are is frowned down upon.

It makes me wonder, when did we start getting so judgmental and not minding our business when it comes to other people? Who are we to determine which way someone swings? Who are we to ask about the choices someone makes regarding their love? Who are we to shame someone regarding their choices and their love that they consider taking their own lives because we chose not to accept them for who they?

Love is the one emotion that transcends time and space. Love, an emotion so strong, that lovers from past lives are reunited, family comes back to you in the face of someone else. That is how powerful love. We keep getting back the same people, recycled in different faces, different races and different descends . Love is meant to be celebrated and not berated or looked down on. It is an emotion everyone deserves to feel and one that each and everyone of us is capable of giving. Why not celebrate love, in its different forms? Why not love unconditionally? It does not matter who you decide to love, how you decide to love and why you choose to love the person you want to love and spend the rest of your life with?

We are all one in this world and as Dumbledore aptly put it, “while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one”. When We don’t have the right to make decisions for someone else who is does not swing the same way we do. We have to come to realise that it is okay for a boy to be in love with a boy, a girl to love a girl, a girl can love a boy and a girl and we have no right in making anyone feel guilty about their choices. They can choose whoever they wish to be with and as long as that someone keeps them happy, we still don’t get a say as to who they should choose.

Why not just accept people for who they are, instead of inciting violence as a call to action to “fix people?”. Even if doing something positive is as small as defending their choices will bring about a change, why not do it more and often? There is no harm in putting out good vibes and love in the universe.

The world becomes a slightly better place every time someone stands up and says who they are and fights for their rights. The world becomes a bit more interesting every time someone stands for promoting a little love, a little peace, a little more joy. One love. It is what keeps us human, what keeps us sane and in the end is what will set us free.