Saving Life: One Amazon Rain Forest at a time

Image result for amazon rainforest
The Amazon rain forest: What is at stake for us and the planet?

It pains me as I pen down my thoughts for this particular write up, because you see, I have no words that could possibly do justice to a rain forest that covers about 70% of our planet. Now you are probably wondering, ‘what is a burning rain forest to me?’. This is where I would say to you, it may not mean so much to you, but this tropical beauty is home to a wide variety of plant species, supports a massive number of mammals and of course provides to the indigenous people who consider the evergreen beauty their provider and protector. So, what can someone like you and I do, to ensure a sustainable future for generations that are not born yet, a generation that will soon learn that even if they refuse to inherit the world, it is too late because they are already alive and kicking in the world?

Here are a few ways, we can save our luscious beauties, and more importantly, the “lungs of planet earth”:

  1. Sustainable travel: Seems like a no brainer, but not just international travel, try doing it locally in your country or start with your own city for that matter. Try not to be a vandal and litter everywhere. This is something I have been following right from my teens and into adulthood. I do not like to dispose off my trash on the roads, so instead I keep it in a disposable litter bag, which I then go ahead and get rid off when I spot a trash bin. It may not make a lot of difference, especially if I see that I am the only one doing it, does not mean it discourages me. I am sure, slowly but steadily, it will make a difference. Even if it means it will be 10 years down the line. We all have to start somewhere to do our bit to help Gaia.
  2. Waste not, want not: Don’t waste resources. If there is something you won’t need, don’t aim to possess it. It creates an unnecessary strain to our environment. If you are not using water while brushing your teeth, turn off the tap. If you don’t need the shower while scrubbing your body down, do not leave the water running. If you are into gardening and need to use manure, make your own compost pit. All the small actions that you take, will benefit you in the long run. Try supporting companies that send your donations towards the betterment of the forests and the animals. Support locally grown products, companies that follow sustainable practices and actually do something. We have one planet, let us just strive to protect her as best as we can.
  3. Bike/walk/use public transport: Do this wherever possible. I get it, it can be a big pain to go places without your car, but wherever possible, use public transport. Biking and walking short distances also works just fine, plus it is a win-win situation. You get to see places that you would normally miss out if you were in your own transport.
  4. Pay your respect to Mother Earth: She is the only planet that sustains life and let us get real. What gives you the idea that we won’t ravage Mars just as we have with Earth? If we have not been able to look after our blue planet, why would we take care of a red one? Or in fact any other planet in the universe/s that could be capable enough to sustain life? Be kind wherever possible, use as much as needed and let’s not get selfish. We have generations to come after us who will need this planet more than ever. We should do what we can, be kind and leave a home for the future.
  5. Carry your own shopping bags: I know New Zealand for one has banned plastic bags and promoting the usage of reusable bags. Which is brilliant. It creates more awareness and besides, what could be more heart breaking than what you see here.
Image result for dolphins in plastic
You would not want/like consuming plastic, why would these guys? You also would not like your house littered with plastic, why would they? Have compassion for those who can’t fight back with a voice of their own, don’t be cruel to anyone’s home.

We have one planet, one home. Let us do our bit to save and protect, preserve what must be preserved. These are some methods that I like to do, to do my bit. Just because an action is small, does not mean it will not have any impact in the near future. If we are to get somewhere, let us start somewhere, no matter how small or insignificant an action may be, let us join hands and help our planet recover.There are some ways you too can contribute, if you wish to do something for the Amazonian Rain Forest and every bit of green left covering the earth. Click here to find out more as to how you can contribute to do your bit because helping hands are better than praying lips.

Comment below and let me know some of your best sustainable practices and what we can do to create a more stable future.