Lessons from the demure Virgin

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Be practical, precise, hard working and kind. Thank you, Virgo

The season of Virgo has gone and we now step into the season of balance. Balance like the Libra, but before we dive into balance, here is what the month of September left me with:

September has taught me to hope that one day, when I wake up and realize that the negatives in my head are not worth listening to.

September has left me to understand that there is innocence in the world that is worth protecting and worth fighting for.

September is when I understood that all is well in my life.

September gave me hope when I found out that there are people who love and support me unconditionally, with my flaws and all.

September took my breath away when I found joy in little things that make life happy.

September caught my attention when I learnt that I was much stronger than I thought and wiser than I felt. It gave me a lot to think about, September has been a kind teacher.

September gave me renewed hope when the lesson I learnt had finally been realized that from dust we are born and to dust we shall return.

September let me awaken my spiritual side, I knew existed somewhere deep down, leaving me smiling at all the coincidences and the synchronicity I witnessed.

September deepened my faith, when I knew I was meant to share my guiding light to those in need, the broken souls, the damaged minds and the marred psyche, so tired of living with no goal in mind.

September thrust upon me a mission, to change myself one day a time and in doing so, lend a helping hand to those in need.

September has left me a bit wiser and whole lot stronger, in mind and soul.

For all this and much more, I thank you, September, to let me be me and to have unconditional support from people who accept me as I am, without wanting to change me so that I may be more like them. But out of everything, my most favorite learning through you will always be when you taught me that the universe will always have my back. I just need to re-establish the faith again and trust in the process. Thank you indeed.

What did the season of the roaring lion teach me?

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August went off too quick

This comes out two weeks too late but here it is. To be honest, I just wish this year would not fly by so quick, but what is life without wings, one which does not fly by realizing that there is much to accomplish. But such is life and well, at least we know we are living and breathing. That we have a heartbeat.

Just like the sunny disposition of a Leo, I learnt that life is better when you can learn to find sunshine among bleak clouds, to find the good in the bad and to understand that darkness will be dispelled and somewhere within you, you will find the strength to carry on. Leos are very generous by nature and will not hold you to it, even if you are not able to repay them how you wish to and in having said that I was taught it kindness is a very undervalued trait, one which must be preserved and passed on to every person you meet.

Since our vibrant lions are ruled by the Sun, it goes to show that there is light within us all, one which when embraced can make a huge difference to people we meet. The light we carry shines forth as bright as the sun and gives people hope. Be a beacon of hope. A helping hand and a kind word go a long way.

Leos are royalty as they should be. Their presence speaks volumes when they enter a room. You probably wouldn’t even notice if our lion was quivering under the pressure, that is only because they project that much confidence when they walk in. That being said, it is perhaps better to not be overconfident as it does not sit well with people. My learning? Be the kind of person that makes heads turn when you enter the room. Ensure that your grace, your light shines forth that anyone in your presence does not feel unhappy. Your presence should feel like sunshine to someone who has just been drenched in the rain.

The ever generous Leo also taught me generosity is not in lending money or riches but in giving time, giving a hand and having a patient ear. Generosity is all encompassing, which could save someone’s life, lessen the burden of a soul haunted by the responsibilities one has to shoulder and maybe just a helping hand.

Overall, August has been a good month, in knowing and discovering a lot of traits I didn’t know I possessed to understanding humankind maybe just a little better. If not that, then perhaps just understanding everyone is unique and quirky in their own.