Measuring Life with Tiramisu

Image result for tiramisu
People are about layers, just like tiramisu.

What a delectable dessert, Tiramisu! The taste as heavenly as it sounds. This post comes around mostly inspired by the famous YouTuber Lilly Singh who in her book of How to be a Bawse talks about people having layers, just like a Tiramisu. I however look at Life as a Tiramisu. Here is how:

  1. Layered- Before you go all Shrek on me, saying life can be compared to an onion, do you really think life smells like an onion? I don’t think so.
    There are so many facets to life that we barely see. Say for instance, you are having a bad day, right from the word ‘Go’, you will continue on with that mindset. What if I told you a shift of perspective is what is required, to see the different layers you day has to offer? You still can turn your bad day around and decide to have a shift in the way you look at it. You see, maybe you missed out on the rainbow in the sky, or you looked past a friend you haven’t seen in ages. Or maybe you just overlooked a fine human being plucking the courage to ask you for your number.
    Just like the tiramisu, you need to dig into your day layer by layer to have a better one. Until you find the dessert hitting the right spots, don’t stop digging.
  2. A bonus- Like any other good dessert, the tiramisu serves as a good bonus. You smashed your targets? Go treat yourself to some of this amazing sweet treat. You got a promotion? The tiramisu it is.
    Just like the dessert, life works as a bonus too. How, you might be wondering? Take a look around and see all the wonderful things that surround you. Take note of all your blessings. You have a smartphone, a laptop, a steady income, food in your fridge and a wonderful set of friends and family who love and cherish you. You are alive and breathing, that itself is a big plus. If that doesn’t count as a bonus, you need to change the way you look at bonuses.
    Never take all these blessings for granted, not everyone is fortunate enough as you and I to have these wonderful opportunities to make our lives better.
  3. Seems simple, yet so complicated- When you look at the tiramisu, you see layers and think, maybe it is easy enough to make. When you do get down to business, it isn’t as simple after all.
    That is how life works. We all know someone and are someone who love to give advice on how to live life. The solution may seem simple for us, however for someone else facing the issue, not so much. It is true, life is as simple or as complicated as you make it, but sometimes the harder you try to simplify life, the worse the problem becomes.
    Next time, you reach out to give advice, remember the tiramisu. Simple, yet so complicated.
  4. Indulgence is okay, once in a while- We all go through times where we like to indulge in our guilty pleasures. The tiramisu works like that. You have a craving, you want to reach out and have whatever is is you are wanting. Then you have a look at your bank account and hold back.
    To pamper yourself once a month is okay. There is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about spending a little more than you do normally. The tiramisu is here to remind you of that fact. Do it for you.

There will come a time when you realize that life is bittersweet. It can make you cry, laugh, tear your hair out. The important thing to remember is that life isn’t happening to you, it is happening for you. Until then, do not forget to peel back the layers life has to offer. Do not be afraid to dig deep to get to the good and let your hair down, once in a while.