Measuring Life: One Day at a Time

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Magical, mysterious and ever graceful.

You ever go through your day on auto-pilot and sit and when you are ready to wind down, do you sit and wonder what you did throughout? Even before you know it, you will be staring into the light at the end of the tunnel when you breathe your last, watching your life flash by. What was the most powerful thing you have ever done within the 12-15 hours of being awake, every single day?

At the end of the day, when I look at myself in the mirror, the questions that I ask myself is, “how much of my potential have I used to make this world a better place? How much of my time have I invested to make the cosmos vibrate higher?” You see, as a race, humankind is meant to vibrate at a natural frequency of love. This emotion above all is the most powerful vibration we can send out and yet, we decide to spend our energy on anger, greed, lust, envy and being petty. If we are to look at life, it would be one day at a time. No one in this world knows what the future holds for them, why then do we function from our lowest?

Would we life live differently, if we broke it down, one day at a time? Let’s have a look:

  1. The choices we make: What’s the first emotion when we wake up? Despair, grief or joy, happiness and laughter? This is perhaps the easiest choice that we can make, yet it makes all the difference in the world. If the first emotion you express is a scowl, guess where the day is headed? Down the gutter. The universe reflects what you send out.
  2. The decisions we take: This is related to the point above. You have decided to wake up with scowl, that decision is yours alone. You will find the people around you being grumpy, short fused and generally quite cranky.
    If we are to turn the scowl into a smile and decide to start our day with grace, you have hit jackpot. People will be nicer, the world seems brighter and you seem to be doing well at work too. See, its that simple.
  3. The path we choose: Do you choose to be a good person, or the path to destruction because you think that life has been unfair to you? Let me tell you something; the cosmos does not give two hoots about how you feel it has been unfair to you. Remember, you what give out is what you get back. The universe is a reflection of you, your thought patterns and the kind of energy you decide to pour out.
  4. Find your purpose: We are all put on this planet and this dimension with a purpose. The truth is, most of us have forgotten what our purpose in life is meant to be. Some of us are born in this plane to spread the message of love, hope and peace. Some are given life so that they motivate people through their art, their words. Some are made to uplift the spirits. My point is, find your purpose and stay true to it. Every single day that you wake up, be determined to make the world a better place.
  5. Your thoughts create your reality: Watch your thoughts and the kind of thoughts that you have. What you think, you manifest. Everyday that you think is a burden, will be a burden. Everyday that you wake and think, ‘today is a going a gorgeous day’ is when you will have a day filled with sunshine. This also includes what you read, watch and listen to. If you watch and read negative things, guess what your thoughts and your reality will be? Crap.

At the end of the day, when the lights dim and your eyelids are heavy, what will you want you day to look like? When Death comes knocking, how would you want your life to played before you? All gloom and doom or would want to see a happy unicorn going about their day, living life and vibrating at the highest emotion of love? The choice is ultimately yours to make.

To end the post, I now pose a question to you:

That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse ...

What did the season of the roaring lion teach me?

Image result for leo
August went off too quick

This comes out two weeks too late but here it is. To be honest, I just wish this year would not fly by so quick, but what is life without wings, one which does not fly by realizing that there is much to accomplish. But such is life and well, at least we know we are living and breathing. That we have a heartbeat.

Just like the sunny disposition of a Leo, I learnt that life is better when you can learn to find sunshine among bleak clouds, to find the good in the bad and to understand that darkness will be dispelled and somewhere within you, you will find the strength to carry on. Leos are very generous by nature and will not hold you to it, even if you are not able to repay them how you wish to and in having said that I was taught it kindness is a very undervalued trait, one which must be preserved and passed on to every person you meet.

Since our vibrant lions are ruled by the Sun, it goes to show that there is light within us all, one which when embraced can make a huge difference to people we meet. The light we carry shines forth as bright as the sun and gives people hope. Be a beacon of hope. A helping hand and a kind word go a long way.

Leos are royalty as they should be. Their presence speaks volumes when they enter a room. You probably wouldn’t even notice if our lion was quivering under the pressure, that is only because they project that much confidence when they walk in. That being said, it is perhaps better to not be overconfident as it does not sit well with people. My learning? Be the kind of person that makes heads turn when you enter the room. Ensure that your grace, your light shines forth that anyone in your presence does not feel unhappy. Your presence should feel like sunshine to someone who has just been drenched in the rain.

The ever generous Leo also taught me generosity is not in lending money or riches but in giving time, giving a hand and having a patient ear. Generosity is all encompassing, which could save someone’s life, lessen the burden of a soul haunted by the responsibilities one has to shoulder and maybe just a helping hand.

Overall, August has been a good month, in knowing and discovering a lot of traits I didn’t know I possessed to understanding humankind maybe just a little better. If not that, then perhaps just understanding everyone is unique and quirky in their own.